[EV]: new app platform: “At Anywhere”
[EV]: Integration with sites
[EV]: hover
[EV]: single sign on
[EV]: reduces friction
[EV]: increases discovery
[EV]: gives you a connection to your site’s users
[UH]: Why are you willing to experiment?
[EV]: leads you to creating value
[EV]: whatever you assume when you start out — you’re wrong
[EV]: best entrepreneur’s fail, learn, and iterate quickly
[UH]: Twitter creating value — then trying to capture a piece of it and monetize
[EV]: Twitter is an information network that helps people discover what’s going on … and share what’s happening with them
[EV]: Increasing the signal to noise ratio in Twitter
[EV]: If you are sharing stuff, how do you get that info to the people that care
[UH]: Experimentation is about iteration
[EV]: People within the company doing what they think is best
[EV]: Organized people into autonomous teams and focused on a single task / feature
[EV]: As you grow, problem with centralized decision making and slow processes — trying to avoid that
[EV]: How do we scale with the characteristics that we want?
[EV]: Openness is a core value for Twitter — therefore the company should reflect that
[EV]: Like you should not have one massive codebase and should be modular, so should the team
[UH]: If you’re going to experiment, you have to be open. Trace the arc of openness.
[EV]: Openness or transparency. A window is transparent, but a door is open.
[EV]: We’d rather have people come in and do what they want with Twitter. We’ve learned from user-level innovation.
[EV]: Assume there are more smart people outside the company than inside. (Bill Joy)
[UH]: Openness is a survival mechanism.
[UH]: Why are you giving away the golden goose?
[EV]: Huge question for Twitter. We know there’s valuable data buried in twitter.
[EV]: Doing partner deals with MSFT etc actually helped create value from this data
[UH]: Internal debate about giving away info?
[EV]: Yes. But it’s good and it’s just scratching the surface.
[UH]: Verticals
[EV]: Focus of 3rd party dev’s actually fill holes in UX — like short links, uploading photos.
[EV]: Hardware devices (that auto-tweet?). Just scratching the surface.
[UH]: Experiments from 3rd party dev’s and users. Usually want to regulate an ecosystem. How open are you?
[EV]: We err on the side of openness. There is some control — we have to control some things. The openness can be used against you. It has to be managed.
[EV]: Example: having an open API lets people create spam apps.
[UH]: Inclusiveness. Really interesting uses of twitter. Haiti / Chille
[EV]: Reads thank you note from Chilean survivor, appreciative of Twitter in improving communication.
[EV]: Reaching everyone — SMS is still critical, especially in developing worlds.
[UH]: Robert Gibbs using Twitter from inside the white house
[EV]: Authenticity from the white house
[EV]: official channel, but using it in a new kind of way
[UH]: Rewiring society. But what about state control of information? Is it standing in the way?
[EV]: Yes, in certain regions, definitely.
[EV]: The internet is a tidal wave that’s impossible to keep back.
[EV]: How long can China keep it’s wall up?
[UH]: Those walls will be especially porous if there’s multiple lines of communication, like SMS.
[UH]: “Betterness.” Twitter can help people be “better off” — customer service complaints on Twitter.
[EV]: There’s more and more you want to follow and search — our goal is not to maximize that.
[EV]: People have limited time and attention.
[EV]: We hope we can direct your attention.
[EV]: We don’t want to increase you time on Twitter — just the opposite.
[EV]: Make Twitter a tool for you to get things done.
[EV]: Be a force for good. Open API /services
[EV]: Pay attention (help them pay attention to what matters to them)
[UH]: “Thin vs Thick Value.” Thin value — making a profit by not offering value. ”Thick value” is actually providing meaning and value to people
[EV]: Our favorite uses of business twitter — helping people make better decisions
[EV]: Charities are a prime example. The idea of sending $10 through SMS spread through Twitter.
[EV]: Reduce to friction for people to help each other out
[EV]: When we look at businesses and their use of Twitter, there’s a new communication tool between customers and business.
[EV]: That’s not interesting if you only look at a way for companies to click on links.
[EV]: If the channel in turn helps the business get better — by getting feedback from customers and improving
[UH]: Walmart is innovating. They had to go back and create a dialog with their stakeholders. What was crucial was information. They built an information network. They had to create new ways for communication to pass-through.
[EV]: If you live on the web, you’re used to having relationships with companies — in the real world, it’s a black box.
[EV]: The layers of abstraction and dialog, lack of responsibility in the real world with these same companies.
[EV]: The promise of these technologies is to remove this and close the loop.
[UH]: What’s the big picture vision?
[EV]: Fostering the exchange of open information. Being a force for good.
[EV]: Easy exchange of information is better
[EV]: Share and influence others with minimal work (retweet)
[UH]: If you’re not hoarding data, what’s your advantage?
[EV]: Our advantage will come if everyone wins
[EV]: Any deal where one party wins is ultimately unsustainable
[EV]: There’s lots we could do at Twitter to generate revenue, but it’s not ultimately scalable or sustainable
[UH]: Is the internet commoditizing content?
[EV]: Old species die off if they don’t add value
[EV]: It only works if you embrace the new species and learn to work with it
[EV]: Twitter compliments traditional sources of media
[EV]: Twitter doesn’t replace TV news — they’re different things
[UH]: Difference between leaders and builders.
[EV]: What drives me is creating things in the world that didn’t exist before.
[EV]: “Wouldn’t it be awesome if…” should be the answer to your new business
I checked out around here. Listening to Haque interview is … painful.